Monday, January 24, 2011

Proof Positive

I mentioned in an earlier post that Taylor has, for the most part, stopped the set of behaviors that put the "terrible" in the two's and the "terrifying" in the three's. The preschooler generally wants to please his/her parent, and is much more aware of others and their feelings. (I learned this in a child development class in college, so I didn't make it up but I can't tell you exactly where it comes from either. I have found it to be true, however, having a third child passing through that age group. )
Last night Taylor offered more proof. All six of us had just sat down at the dinner table, hands folded, just about to start the prayer. Taylor says, "Wait a minute everybody, I have something to say. I love you all."

There's something to make you smile on this Monday morning.


  1. That is too freaking sweet! She's trying to butter you up for something though...I can just feel it!
