Thursday, August 26, 2010

Yesterday, Gretta was spayed. I know, you all wanted to know that! I had it done through Emancipet, which is an organization that performs vet services for the shelters and also for regular customers at a low(er) cost. Being the cheap person that I am, I declined the purchase of a collar to keep her from licking her incision. Well, last night she was licking with a vengence. It was too late to go anywhere to pick one up so my adorable, resourceful husband made one for her.

Yes, that is a Luvs box. And no, it didn't last long because she is a houdini.

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome! Ingenuity at it's best, lol!!

    Love y'all (might be seein' ya soon)

    Josh n Dot
